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The Art Of The Slow Flip

Slow Flips To Freedom

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For Anyone Looking To Set Themselves Free In Real Estate Investing...

New Real Estate Strategy Used by Everyday Americans Reveals How To Turn Cheap Homes Into Automated Monthly Income Without
Rehabbing, Landlording Or Using
Any Of Your Own Money
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What is The Art Of The Slow Flip?
The Art Of The Slow Flip is a counterintuitive approach to real estate profits that has allowed real estate investors to pocket $875/mo to $1200/mo for the next 30 years so they can retire early and unlock generational wealth for them and their family. 

The reason they are able to do this is because we're able to buy cheap homes around the country without using any of their own money and resell them on the market using a special financing program.

On average, 1 deal nets them $875/mo to $1200/mo every single month for the next 30 years. 

It takes roughly between 1 to 2 weeks to acquire a Slow Flip...and typically less than 7 days to fill it. 

My top student has 181 slow flips that make him $80-100k/mo in recurring income but how many deals you do and how much you make is entirely up to you. 

Anyone can set up this system to profit from this strategy regardless of credit score, real estate experience or even if your state doesn't have any cheap homes. 

Read below to discover how this revolutionary method works...
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Why Slow Flips Are The Shortcut...
Before I found out about Slow Flips, I was doing all the traditional methods in real estate.

Fast flips for small cash.

Working around the clock sending lowball offers to make wholesale deals, hoping to make a quick buck.

On top of all this, I had more than 100+ rental properties with tenants that seemed nice when they moved in...but they drove me insane. 

My tenants would call me to fix their toilets at 2am regularly. 

When they turned over, they'd trash the house and force me to do repairs that kept me from enjoying my rental income.

I was burnt out, tired and I soon realized I got myself a deal I never signed up for.

This led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old outdated ways of real estate.

After a few years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way, I cracked the code to passive wealth.

The reason I was able to unlock passive wealth was because my system also allowed me to acquire many slow flips deals in states outside of where I live.

And as a result, my property portfolio tripled and my bank account grew at an incredibly fast rate.

I've finally reached a point where I have 178 slow flips that make me $70-90k/mo in monthly recurring income without spending hours looking for deals.

Since then, I've taught hundreds of students of what I now call the 'Slow Flip' method.

And as a result...they've been able to travel the world while they still can and enjoy their retirement with their loved ones without ever needing to ever go back to a 9-5 job again. 
I used to only teach this strategy in-person to a select group of investors who are now making $20-70k/mo.

Now you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire system I built by reading my book called The Art Of The Slow Flip.

Here's why I prefer Slow Flips, compared to the traditional real estate methods.
Here's how it's different.

Compared to Wholesaling, you don't need to work every day to find deals, you just need to find 1 deal to make $875/mo for 30 years. (and once u understand how to do your first slow flip, you just "copy and paste" the system to acquire more deals in quick succession)

It's different from Fix and Flipping because you don't have to deal with the stress of dealing with sleazy contractors and real estate agents who regularly take advantage of you. 

And it's nothing like the BRRRR method because you don't need to be a landlord and deal with tenant headaches on a daily basis.


Instead of one-time income get $875 to $1200/mo

Every single month for 30 years.

Instead of dozens of fat checks going out to contractors and agents with only 1 tiny check coming back to you...You get to keep the full $875-1200/mo (before insurance & taxes).

Instead of fast flips for small cash, we slow flip for maximum profits.

Instead of tenant headaches and landlord responsibilities...we get the freedom to do whatever we want and leave all the repairs and 2am calls to the buyers of our properties.

Instead of taking out expensive mortgages and managing a risky property portfolio that's heavily affected by economic downturns...You own the property free and clear and earn risk-free real estate income. 

Art Of The Slow Flip Ebook

This ebook is a short weekend read that will unravel the secrets of the slow flip method so you spot deals in a heartbeat.
8 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

Slow Flips To Freedom

Slow Flips To Freedom is a quick course focused on getting you up to speed with the concepts from the Slow Flips ebook so you walk away with knowing how Slow Flips work from A-Z

Private Community Access

Get access to a group of 1700+ real estate investors working together to grow and collaborate together. You will also receive support.

Private Money VIP Training

Feeling worried you don't know how to raise $30k for Slow Flips? Then this training is for you. We'll teach you how to find private lenders so you can unlock unlimited capital to get your first Slow Flip and many more.

$90k/mo Real Estate Blueprint 

Learn all the secrets behind my $90k/mo real estate business skip through the struggles I had to go through to get there.

Discovering Deals Training

This training will reveal the secrets to locating properties and generating motivated seller leads in any market. This is what we use to overload our business with leads 

Student Success Case Studies

I interviewed my top students and broke down all the successes and failures along their journey so you don't repeat them. My #1 student is doing $70k/mo with Slow Flips now

Freedom Number Training

This training will guide you to create an action plan to realize the lifestyle of your dreams and it all starts with finding out your Freedom Number.

Goal Setting Training

I share exactly how to set goals with Slow Flips and achieve them. This training will save you years of despair and set you on the straight path to success 
HAPPY Students

"Slow Flips are a's May 1st right now and my online payment system already has $25,000 in money coming in from just May alone." 
- Joey, VA

"I walked away from the closing table with a little over $101,000 in a year's time with no money out of my pocket whatsoever" 
- Mike, NY

Here's How I Went From Struggling Real Estate Investor To $70-90k/Mo In Passive Income By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Real Estate Model Upside Down 
This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Art Of The Slow Flip
Dear Future "Retirement Secured" Slow Flip Investor
From: The laptop of Scott Jelinek
Re: The Only Real Estate Strategy You'll Need To Finally Quit Your 9-5 (and why this is your only way out)
Surprised to learn that I've created a real estate business that churns out $70-90k/mo every single month..for the next 30 years?

Without spending hours a day dealing with tenant drama...

Without even being in the same state as these homes...

And without having to reach out to thousands of leads just to find someone open to doing a deal?

Would it also shock  you to learn that the wealth I've built is recession proof?

Even if our economy enters a recession and people get laid off everywhere...

Even if the interest rates increase 10-fold (like it happened in 2022 and 2023)...

I'll still be cashing in $70-90k/mo every single month without fail. 
Still skeptical?

You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)
so let me prove it to you
This is how my payments calendar currently looks like: 
And they are all coming from a string of passive income checks that range from $875-$1200/mo:
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of investing in real estate since 1992. 

I've seen 3 major recessions and since 2016, I've coached hundreds of everyday American investors. 

Over the years, I've helped them build recession proof real estate businesses.

And as a result, real estate has allowed them to 

✅Live a lifestyle of freedom
✅Take vacations around the world whenever they want to and 
✅Spend more time with their children
The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

But stay with me on this page.
Because regardless of who you are, how much credit you have and your knowledge in real estate...
In the next 7 minutes, I'm going To Show you the strategy that Has Allowed My Students to 
quit Their 9-5 job and 
Earn Recurring retirement Income 
for 30 Years...
Without ever having to...
  • ​​Wholesale, where you have to cold call thousands of leads to make a deal
  • ​​Fix & Flip properties, because you have fat checks going out to contractors and agents with only 1 tiny check coming back to you in the end
  • Do the BRRRR method, because it requires you to deal with daily landlord drama and tenant headaches for small monthly spreads.
  • Subtos, where you'll deal with evictions and endless mortgage payments if your buyer doesn't come through. 
Those are all different ways of making money in real estate and no doubt you've heard of some of them.

Maybe you've even tried some of those strategies, but the real question is, do they actually work?

I mean…

Take A Look Around, What Do You See?

Everyone is trying to do real estate but very few are making real money. 

Very few are making real money - aka profit - because they are doing it wrong using these old and outdated methods.

Because these old real estate strategies are unpredictable and tied to external factors outside of your control...

Is it any wonder why these very same strategies that used to work just a couple years ago don't work anymore in 2024 and beyond?

After all, with high interest rates, how are you going to get the capital you need to acquire properties?

That's why wholesaling works - only when interest rates are low. 

Or if you have $30-70k on hand to close the property immediately 

Fixing and flipping worked when the market was in your favor. 

But now the promise of easy flips to investors has not quite played out that way, has it?

After all, when you have 100 different contractors and real estate agents to work'll be writing out fat checks to everyone involved in the transaction while you only receive a tiny check at the end.

So when you talk to potential private lenders about wholesaling opportunities and fix and flips to try to get capital from them...

Why are you surprised when you hear crickets?

After all, the world has changed significantly

Wholesaling, Fixing And Flipping, BRRRR and Subtos have made other investors money before, we all know that.

But in today's uncertain economic environment, they are VERY RISKY

Slow flips on the other hand allow you to skip past all the risk that other strategies posed. 

Once I moved from wholesaling to make ends meet...and once i stopped being a landlord with rental properties...

I could finally earn income that didn't allow me to be shacked to my real estate business. 

I could have the impact and freedom I've always wanted. 

I could retire tommorrow if I wanted to, knowing that I had $70-90k/mo in passive income coming in for the next 25 years. 

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said… let me jump right in and show you...
Here’s How I Can Vacation Up to 3 months in a Year By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…
The same Slow Flips model that investors from all over the country are now using to secure retirement income from income generating Slow Flips

...And in turn quit their 9-5s faster than ever before...

...All while creating a legacy for their children and grandchildren...

...And best of all doing what THEY WANT without needing to report to a boss or a "job" ever again!
Just Like Joanne, Who Got her copy of The Art Of The slow Flip Book A Few Months Ago And Soon After Hit $7k/mo in Recurring income
Soon after, Joanne managed to acquire her first slow flip and then posted this in our private community:
And even though they're escaping the rat race and building a lifestyle of freedom for themselves, that's not the best part...

The best part is they're building generational wealth for their kids

Not only can they spend more time with their children and take them to vacations to Europe...

But they can also leave a legacy of income generating Slow Flips for their children and grandchildren. 

These investors can be the role models for their children. 

After all, these properties are generating income for them and their family for 30 straight years

They've secured their future and their family's financial future for the long haul. 
And Joanne isn’t the only one either…
This Is James, Another Slow Flip Member, Who found Out About Slow Flips Not Too Long Ago…
...And now he's on his way to his 11th $875/mo Slow Flip property...
James has 2 teenage daughters who he wants to put through to college.

If he keeps on collecting slow flips like these, he'll have enough money to put both of them through college and live freely without being shackled to a job. 

After all, he'll be having $10-20k/mo in passive retirement income coming in for 30 straight years. 
Here’s another Art Of The Slow Flip owner who started using these strategies…
Meet Amir, Who Got his first slow flip at a whopping $1095/mo for 30 years
Joanne, James and Amir are a group of over 300+ new wave of Real Estate Investors who are doing things differently…
And I Put This Entire System In A 208 Page book Called The “Art Of The Slow Flip” And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee 
In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $18.95

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the eBook, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $18.95 and let you keep the Art Of The Slow Flip book free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
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I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group which you’ll get access to as soon as you download your copy of The Art Of The Slow Flip.

Until then, to your success, 
Scott Jelinek
P.S. Remember, The Art Of The Slow Flip comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $18.95.


Here's What's Included In The Book
  Discover the Step by Step Process To Finding Cheap Slow Flips For $30k Or Less So You Can Locate Deals Effortlessly
All Revealed On Page 78
  How Doing Deals In Your State Is Preventing You From Starting Your $10k/mo Slow Flips Journey (And What To Do Instead)
All Explained On Page 47
  The Little Known Loophole/Trick To Finding Buyers Who'll Pay You 3-10x the price of your Slow Flip (Without renovating, or doing anything to the property)
I Spill The Beans On Page 113
  The Secret behind Filling Slow Flip properties within 1-3 days so you can start $875/mo Checks from your Slow Flip aSAP
Steal My Secrets On Page 120
  The A-Z Playbook On Getting $30k checks from private lenders (so you can shortcut your results And Acquire Slow Flips in Quick Succession)
All Laid Out For You On Page Page 176
Download The Art Of The Slow Flip
(Save $84.00 today) 

Download The eBook For $97 Just $18.95!
Here's What Others Have To Say
Carmen P, OH
"With Scott's help, I made $16,500 on my first deal and now I'm even using Slow Flips to pay for my Europe vacation!"
Daniel P, VA
"A lot of gurus are teaching the old rental myth model of investing and it hurt a lot of people during the last housing crash. This book is a must read if you are tired of being a landlord and want to learn a better way to be an investor!"
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for any investor looking to quit their 9-5s so they can stop trading their time for a paycheck. This is also for seasoned investors who want to stop dealing with tenant headaches and tired of earning small one-time checks with fast flips.
What is The Art Of The Slow Flip?
The Art Of The Slow Flip is an ebook built to get you closer to acquiring your firs $875-1200/mo income generating Slow Flip. Slow Flips help you earn recurring monthly income so you can spend your retirement years with your loved ones without worrying about needing a job again.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
A 9-module video program paired with a 208 page book that shows you how to retire early with $875-1200/mo income generating Slow Flips. 
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Other real estate books and courses hold things back in hopes of trying to sell you their $10-30k coaching. We don't do that. We are giving you everything we use, upfront and in full detail, for just $18.95 when you join today.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Lucky for you, that is something you will receive inside the course group you will get access to upon joining. I and my other students will answer any questions you may have. 
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, if for any reason you want your money back, just send me a message at and we'll give you 100% of your money back plus let you keep access to your purchase.
Download The Art Of The Slow Flip
(Save $84.00 today) 

Download The eBook For $97 Just $18.95!
Book Reviews

James H, VA

"The Slow Flip strategy has allowed me to build up a much bigger portfolio a lot quicker, with a lot less headaches"

Kevin G, VA

"'With Scott's teachings, I've seen people go from worried about retirement to paying for their kid's college" 
Included Bonuses

Slow Flips To Freedom

Slow Flips To Freedom is a quick course focused on getting you up to speed with the concepts from the Slow Flips ebook so you walk away with knowing how Slow Flips work from A-Z

Private Community Access

Get access to a group of 1700+ real estate investors working together to grow and collaborate together. You will also receive support.

Private Money VIP Training

Feeling worried you don't know how to raise $30k for Slow Flips? Then this training is for you. We'll teach you how to find private lenders so you can unlock unlimited capital to get your first Slow Flip and many more.

Discovering Deals Training

This training will reveal the secrets to locating properties and generating motivated seller leads in any market. This is what we use to overload our business with leads

Freedom Number Training

This training will guide you to create an action plan to realize the lifestyle of your dreams and it all starts with finding out your Freedom Number.

$90k/mo Real Estate Blueprint 

Learn all the secrets behind my $90k/mo real estate business skip through the struggles I had to go through to get there.

Student Success Case Studies

I interviewed my top students and broke down all the successes and failures along their journey so you don't repeat them. My #1 student is doing $70k/mo with Slow Flips now

Goal Setting Training

I share exactly how to set goals with Slow Flips and achieve them. This training will save you years of despair and set you on the straight path to success
Video Testimonials

Keith A, NY

"I've been investing in real estate for a number of years and you don't really realize how much you don't know until you get next to Scott Jelinek. The man is an encyclopedia of information and experience."

James W, NJ

"I joined in February, it's now June and I have 6 houses already - I've found private investors who are willing to buy and it's going to be money for my future."
4 Steps To Retirement Income On Autopilot
Get The Art Of The Slow Flip
Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $18.95 Today
Included With Your Order

Art Of The Slow Flip Ebook

This ebook is a short weekend read that will unravel the secrets of the slow flip method so you spot deals in a heartbeat.
Included With Your Order

Private Community Access

Get access to a group of 1700+ real estate investors working together to grow and collaborate together. You will also receive support.
Included With Your Order

$90k/mo Real Estate Blueprint 

Learn all the secrets behind my $90k/mo real estate business skip through the struggles I had to go through to get there.
Included With Your Order

Slow Flips To Freedom

Slow Flips To Freedom is a quick course focused on getting you up to speed with the concepts from the Slow Flips strategy so you can download the knowledge in your brain quicker and start taking action
Included With Your Order

Private Money VIP Training

This training will help you move towards your first slow flip by mastering the art of finding private lenders and leveraging their support to fund your journey
Included With Your Order

Goal Setting Training

I share exactly how to set goals with Slow Flips and achieve them. This training will save you years of despair and set you on the straight path to success
Included With Your Order

Discovering Deals Training

This training will reveal the secrets to discovering deals and generating motivated seller leads in any market.
Included With Your Order

Student Success Case Studies

I interviewed my top students and broke down all the successes and failures along their journey so you don't repeat them. My #1 student is doing $70k/mo with Slow Flips now
Included With Your Order

Freedom Number Training

This training will guide you to create an action plan to realize the lifestyle of your dreams and it all starts with finding out your Freedom Number.
Included With Your Order
Watch the course directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only $97 $18.95 Today
(Save $84.00 today) Download The Art Of The Slow Flip For $97 Just $18.95!
"Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world."
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President 
 Frequently Asked Questions
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
A 9-module video program paired with a 200+ page book that shows you how to retire early with $875-1200/mo income generating Slow Flips. 
Do you offer more in depth help?
Lucky for you, that is something you will receive inside the course group you will get access to upon joining. I and my other students will answer any questions you may have. 
Who is this for?
This is for any investor looking to stop dealing with tenant headaches and tired of earning small one-time checks with fast flips. 
What is The Art Of The Slow Flip?
The Art Of The Slow Flip is an ebook built to get you closer to acquiring your firs $875-1200/mo income generating Slow Flip. Slow Flips help you earn recurring monthly income so you can spend your retirement years with your loved ones without worrying about needing a job again.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Other real estate books and courses hold things back in hopes of trying to sell you their $10-30k coaching. We don't do that. We are giving you everything we use, upfront and in full detail, for just $18.95 when you join today.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, if for any reason you want your money back, just send me a message at and we'll give you 100% of your money back plus let you keep access to your purchase.
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